Privacy Policy

At Edgar&Co UK, we take privacy very seriously and to ensure your privacy is protected, we adhere to the following policy regarding certain privacy matters and the use of cookies on the website.

In operating our website, we may collect and process the following data about you:

• Details of your visits to our website and the resources that you access including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblog statistics and other communication data.
• Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website, such as when you register to receive information such as a newsletter or contact us via the contact us page.
• Information provided to us when you communicate with us for any reason.
On occasion, we may gather information about your computer for our services, and to provide statistical information regarding the use of our website to our advertisers.

Such information will not identify you personally, it is statistical used by us to analyse how visitors interact with the website so that we can continue to develop and improve your experience.

Data that is provided to us is stored on our secure servers. Details relating to any transactions entered into via our site will be encrypted to ensure its safety.

We welcome any queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact us at 07985 199570.